Spiffy Entertainment

Welcome to Spiffy Entertainment!

It began in April of 1999. There was no Facebook or Twitter or any kind of social media as we know it today... I think Google was still in Beta and there wasn't even a YouTube! I created this site during a time when people just created their own personal homepages and online discussions were typically held exclusively on BBS forums. The internet for the most part was free... free hosting all over the place in the days of Geocities and Angelfire. None of the latter exists anymore I don't believe, but it all made for an interesting time.

Like most sites of the time, mine was a simple site with a few interests thrown in and a little section on myself... the "personal" part of the personal homepage... which in most cases were all people's site's were back then. I kind of took that a step further and threw a bunch of random interests and built a full site out of it. Multiple graphic UI iterations over the course and pretty much left the place to die around 2007... still online, but a ghost ship.

Now 14 years later (as of 2021), I figured what the hell... simplify the whole layout of the place, make it work on mobile (because that's a thing now... for a long time now), while keeping the random content I had around and maybe add something new.

So thanks for stopping by! With any luck, you'll have gotten something useful out of your visit. If not... well, can't say I didn't try. 

My Photography Website

Spiffy Entertainment Established: April 20, 1999

Life Immortalized Photography